Change iTunes Language and Store Location

I had the need to setup my sister-in-law’s phone today from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 6. In the process we needed to change her iTunes AppStore language from her default to English, and also change her store location. Even though her language settings had already been changed to English in the usual settings …

WordPress MU Domain Mapping missing

When upgrading from version to and returning to the network admin site, I had lost all access to the domain management tools. The options normally reside under Settings (right) were no longer there. A quick check of some domains I have setup through domain mapping confirmed that it was still working, ie things …

How to change a multisite primary domain

If you want to change the primary domain of your WordPress multisite installation, there are 5 values to change. There is no need to perform a database dump. This is actually frowned upon, as WordPress stores serialized data in the database, and altering it can cause corruption. Here is a list of the 5 main …

Ingress Glyphs and Imperfect

“Imperfect” isn’t drawn as it seems. Ever got stuck trying to draw the Imperfect glyph hack in Ingress? I must have got it wrong about half a dozen times before I realised it wasn’t me. So, how is it done? I start on the bottom left and then I loop AROUND the middle point to the …