Flush DNS cache in Ubuntu

According to quite a few users on Stack Exchange, Ubuntu doesn’t cache DNS queries, but I got into an awkward situation where I couldn’t hit an internal server because my installation was convinced my internal server was being hosted on an external IP.  It wasn’t entirely incorrect, because the server is (sometimes) available externally, but it’s only …

WordPress MultiSite & sunrise.php

Are you getting the above error message as well? After doing a fresh install and enabling multi-sites I couldn’t see the Domain Mapping and Domains sub-menu options under Network Admin / Settings. I loaded up my trusty editor and confirmed define(‘SUNRISE’, ‘on’ ); was in fact in the file. It was slightly higher than where …

WordPress MU Domain Mapping missing

When upgrading from version to and returning to the network admin site, I had lost all access to the domain management tools. The options normally reside under Settings (right) were no longer there. A quick check of some domains I have setup through domain mapping confirmed that it was still working, ie things …

WordPress and “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

UPDATE: It’s amazing the number of hits this page gets, where people get this (or a very similar) error and this has helped them. I’m very glad this helped, but I just want to add, this page is more than 3 years old now and although the logic is simple here, remember it is old …