I find I’m always repeating certain command lines with subtle changes. If the changes can be predicted, why not use a variable instead? Here’s how:
Tag Archives: osx
Adding to the Favourites Sidebar
Every now and then you come across a folder (or in my case, a network share) you want in your finder sidebar. Normally dragging and dropping it into place is enough, and that SHOULD work. But sometimes it doesn’t.
Installing Macports and md5deep on OSX
Why I chose MacPorts (over Homebrew) and what I discovered while I was doing it.
TextEdit and editing /etc/hosts
To edit your hosts file using TextEdit on Mavericks, you will need to issue the following command in a terminal window: sudo -b /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/hosts
Freeze rows/columns in OSX’s Numbers spreadsheet
You can’t easily freeze rows or columns in the “Excel sense” in Numbers–Apple’s version of a spreadsheet. But what you can do is create header rows and header columns (the default grey ones) that ARE frozen. In Numbers: >> open the document inspector >> table inspector (3rd option for me, looks like a yellow table) …
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accented characters in osx
UPDATE: I upgraded my OS X to Mountain Lion recently and I am not sure if it is as a result of the upgrade, or some other setting change I may have made, but now if I hold down a letter key for a short period, I get a tool-tip style box (right) that then …
I wish I could just sync checked photos from iPhoto
An open letter to Apple; “Please let me sync just checked photos to my devices” I have just posted this to Apple’s feedback section as a feature request. I know this is not probably something we will see, but at least I’m not just publishing this, I’m complaining in the right channels. I love iPhoto, …
Continue reading “I wish I could just sync checked photos from iPhoto”