php file upload limit in virtualmin

upload_max_filesize exceeded in php.ini I can never find this setting. Everytime I create a wordpress development server I end up having trouble finding it. There use to be a setting in WordPress itself, and if that is there, you’ll have to update that. I use Apache and PHP on a linux server which I usually …

Incorrect wifi password in iOS

My kids are always playing in areas of the iPad or iPhone that they really shouldn’t be. Unfortunately Apple have never allowed us to have a truly restrictive setup for kids in this way. Every now and then they muck up the wifi and have tried connecting to someone else’s wifi and then they can’t …

Youtube embedded videos in WordPress not working

You’ll notice above that there is a youtube URL on the first line… it hasn’t embedded within the post. UPDATE 2015-12-10: it’s working now, is it a WordPress 4.4 thing? I have disabled a LOT of plugins for the moment, I’ll come back and revisit this in the next couple of days. I have spent …

WordPress MultiSite & sunrise.php

Are you getting the above error message as well? After doing a fresh install and enabling multi-sites I couldn’t see the Domain Mapping and Domains sub-menu options under Network Admin / Settings. I loaded up my trusty editor and confirmed define(‘SUNRISE’, ‘on’ ); was in fact in the file. It was slightly higher than where …

Change iTunes Language and Store Location

I had the need to setup my sister-in-law’s phone today from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 6. In the process we needed to change her iTunes AppStore language from her default to English, and also change her store location. Even though her language settings had already been changed to English in the usual settings …