Fashion Shoot – Bang Kapi

I was fortunate enough to be sitting in Starbucks on the 3rd floor when this lingerie/fashion show just happened below me. Unfortunately, the staff of Starbucks eventually came and told me to stop taking photos… The first one is my favourite shot. There are two prominent Thai’s in these photos. Apparently they are well known …

I wish I could just sync checked photos from iPhoto

An open letter to Apple; “Please let me sync just checked photos to my devices” I have just posted this to Apple’s feedback section as a feature request. I know this is not probably something we will see, but at least I’m not just publishing this, I’m complaining in the right channels. I love iPhoto, …

WordPress and “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

UPDATE: It’s amazing the number of hits this page gets, where people get this (or a very similar) error and this has helped them. I’m very glad this helped, but I just want to add, this page is more than 3 years old now and although the logic is simple here, remember it is old …

Too shy to speak English? Can you at least read it?

I think everyone knows that to learn a foreign language, it’s one thing to be able to speak it, and even speak it fluently; but it’s a totally different thing to be able to read it. I’ve been trying (on and off) to learn Thai for years. I think you just can’t teach an old …