Lawlessness on the roads

I have long come to realise that Australia is a nanny state of rules and regulations. There’s a rule for just about everything, and I’m starting to realise this is beginning to hamper us when in reality these sort of things should be making our lives better. Safer. After having spent a lot of time …

The originality of your design, depends on the obscurity of your source

The originality of your design, depends on the obscurity of your source Unknown I don’t know where I originally found this, I had just come back to edit it and add a citation after updating my theme. In doing a search for this quote I only found references to it from my site. I can …

php file upload limit in virtualmin

upload_max_filesize exceeded in php.ini I can never find this setting. Everytime I create a wordpress development server I end up having trouble finding it. There use to be a setting in WordPress itself, and if that is there, you’ll have to update that. I use Apache and PHP on a linux server which I usually …