[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=205952551275593028260.0004ac44d00d68966d60e&ie=UTF8&vpsrc=6&ll=13.83808,101.206055&spn=19.117508,13.183594&z=5&output=embed 300 450]View Bangkok to Phuket in a larger map I’ve been in Thailand on and off for sometime now, but I have been pretty fixed in location. When I have moved I have generally flown (occasional bus, and once a train) everywhere. We’ve been in Bangkok for the last few weeks and this …
Tag Archives: map
A Hot Shower with Running Water
[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=non+sa-at,+udon+thani,+thailand&aq=&sll=16.425548,102.826538&sspn=0.947086,1.385651&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Non+Sa-at,+Udon+Thani,+Thailand&vpsrc=6&ll=12.082296,101.953125&spn=19.250296,13.139648&z=5&output=embed 300 450]View Larger Map Oh how I long for thee. edit: this was written at a time when I was spending a LOT of time in country Thailand… and I mean BACK COUNTRY!!!
I always go too hard, when will I learn?
[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=104468899777464833948.000473e712e0d4653c8eb&ll=-33.49116,151.321392&spn=0.064422,0.051498&z=13&output=embed 300 450] I have been in serious training for over a week now and I’m hurting. It all started last Friday, week ago. Realising I needed a serious kick up the backside, I got myself down to the Muay Thai gym I started taking classes in a few months ago. Friday: Kick Boxing …
Another ride around the park – 25km
[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&s=AARTsJq-CuRijKUrGnN5fBGJHDiQcm6ymQ&msa=0&msid=104468899777464833948.0004583c2b10339f61dd5&ll=-33.896352,151.222515&spn=0.024935,0.04077&z=14&output=embed” 475 350] 5 Laps around Centennial Park today (3.8×5=19km) plus to and fro (another 5.5km) makes the ride today almost 25km. I’m kinda enjoying it, but my behind is really wearing the brunt of my (current) 96kg. And that is the main reason I decide that whatever particular lap is now the last …
Back on the bike
I bought the bike last week and straight away I got on it and done 30km. That was Saturday. On Monday I went and did a couple of laps around Centennial Park (well, 4 laps to be precise) and then came home. I wanted to do more laps, and felt physically capable, but my bum …
All Systems are GO!
I stumbled and fell, and now I have picked myself back up again. My weightloss was going well, and when I peaked at around 12kg I simply stopped. Initially it was the walking that stopped, then it was the diet that went out the window. But now I am back on the band wagon. Starting …
I’m going to Singapore
[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&s=AARTsJoE5kmigjyjViskR5qXWgWptUUgkg&msa=0&msid=104468899777464833948.00044bb38ef025a3868b5&ll=-8.146243,113.378906&spn=34.288648,43.945313&z=4&output=embed 400 400] I have never been overseas (unless you count going to Tasmania overseas, but most people don’t – self included). But I have a good friend in Singapore who I have been wanting to go and visit over there. He is originally from Australia and has been working there now for a …
[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&s=AARTsJqFGYFL7Xg8VSwGeVZa4XCu6MjAAA&msa=0&msid=104468899777464833948.00044b749fd3cec2eee2d&ll=-33.887731,151.204834&spn=0.012469,0.01502&z=15&output=embed 350 350] I have not done any exercise or walking for a long time, over 2 weeks (there was one night I did a small amount of gym work, but I wasn’t feeling well, so I bugged out early…) Mum was in town, so I took an early mark from work and we …
[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&s=AARTsJoD-hBvwDb5v1Zm-uNSW4P-kMljIA&msa=0&msid=104468899777464833948.00044a2f85e1a353977ad&ll=-33.908178,151.23951&spn=0.049864,0.090122&z=13&output=embed 430 350] And what a start today was. It always seems to be the way that it is much easier for me to go for one of my walks when I find a purpose to it. Todays purpose was a computer fair at Kensington… So into my walking shoes I jump and off …
Day 65-77
So, as I just mentioned a couple of posts ago, I have been very bad the last couple of weeks. As can be evidenced by the graph on the front page. I went to Adelaide to visit my brother (photos are a click away on the left if you are interested), and my weight did …