[iframe http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=104468899777464833948.000473e712e0d4653c8eb&ll=-33.49116,151.321392&spn=0.064422,0.051498&z=13&output=embed 300 450] I have been in serious training for over a week now and I’m hurting. It all started last Friday, week ago. Realising I needed a serious kick up the backside, I got myself down to the Muay Thai gym I started taking classes in a few months ago. Friday: Kick Boxing …
Tag Archives: kick boxing
21 days of fitness
Muay Thai Boxing And so it begins, my 2nd attempt at losing weight. In January 2008 I began a weightloss regime which took me from 105kg to 93kg. But through a lack of discipline I have put most of it back on and I’m back up to a smidgen under 103kg. At least I never …