RAR in Ubuntu

IMHO RAR is a dying archive format, except in the torrent and related warez world. Why? I don’t know. But what I do know (now) is how to install RAR for linux under Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) and this is it:

Download rarlinux, the version I got was 3.6.0 and I found it here:


(you can use ‘wget’ from a linux console to grab it)

ungzip the file:

tar -zxvf  rarlinux-3.6.0.tar.gz

Now for some reason when i did this the first time, it didn’t fully unzip and I had to process the tar file again, but on another machine both steps were done with the above command. If you have a rar folder now, then skip the next command, but if you have a new file with the name rarlinux-3.6.0.tar (ie, no .gz ext) then untar it with the following:

tar -xvf rarlinux-3.6.0.tar

then change into the rar directory created, and you only need to copy the ‘rar’ file into your “/user/bin” directory

cd rar
cp rar /user/bin/.

use “rar” at the command line without any options to get an overview of the switches and commands associated with it

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